Thursday, June 20, 2013

Around Santa Barbara

Forty-five miles is the distance covered along the route above. Starting in Montecito the route traveled down toward the shore, through the UCSB campus, then up along the foothills of the Santa Ynez mountains above. 

Ready to head out.

Only traveled a couple of miles before reaching the shoreline on a street called Channel Drive. 

Cabrillo Drive is the main waterfront drive in Santa Barbara and the main beach tourist area.

Santa Barbara wharf is in the background of the palm trees below.

Cabrillo Drive eventually becomes Cliff Drive and is a busy recreation area though not so much early in the morning. 

The picture below is of a long downhill marking the end of Cliff Drive.

Pictured high on a hill is a large estate in the Hope Ranch area of Santa Barbara as seen from Las Positas.

Santa Barbara also has miles of dedicated bike trails as seen below.

Along the trails grow Castor plants, which in this part of the country grow as big as small trees. The spiky things contain the seeds from which castor bean oil is made, and a notorious poison. 

The bike paths are also a main conduit for students attending UCSB.

The gate to UCSB, unfortunately out of focus.

The campus has well marked bike lanes and ample bike parking space.

The picture below is of one of UCSB's student dorms. During the semester these bike racks are usually filled to capacity. 

Beginning to head to the hills.

The picture below is of the condo complex off of Hollister Avenue that I lived at for six months last year.

On Cathedral Oaks and beginning to enter the foothill region.

This area has numerous lemon groves. The open areas between the groves is designed to be a fire break.

Continuing along Cathedral Oaks, notice the wide bike lane.

Again well designated bike lanes. Somewhere along this stretch the Old San Marcos trail branched of on the left of Cathedral Oaks. It is only about a three miles hill climb but is one of the toughest I've ever done. Wasn't going to do it today but this link will give you an idea of what it is like. 

The next two pictures are indicative of the kinds of rolling hills that continue going up.

Heading up into the hills, where it gets quite warm in comparison to the coastal route, I was running out of water rather quickly and pulled into the local fire station for a refill.

At this intersection the choice is Mountain Road on the right or Gibraltar Road straight ahead.

I chose Mountain Road and for good reason; this link will show you what Gibraltar is like. 

Most of the climbing is already done once you reach Mountain Road as it tends to run along the mountain side but the views are quite amazing. 

Somewhere up there Gibraltar Road runs.

Below, one of my favorite scenes along Mountain Road.

Looking out toward the ocean.

Winding along the hill side.

Beginning the descent back to Montecito the road goes by a favorite hiking destination where a stream runs out of the hills and over the road. It was fairly dry on this trip.

Continuing the ride down through the Eucalyptus groves.

Back at our hosts place, it's time to rest.

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